There are multiple options to add Work Orders in TreePlotter™ INVENTORY. Your specific workflows and operational procedures will determine which method of adding Work Orders is best for you. You can add Work Orders directly to the map or create new Work Orders by selecting one ore more Work Records or Service Requests to add them to a new Work Order.
- Tutorial: Work Order Management
- Tutorial: Work Orders
- How To: Add Work Records
- Tutorial: Inspections
- Tutorial: Service Requests
- Tutorial: Data Table
Here are the different ways you can add a Work Order:
Click on the links below to learn more about each way to add Work Records.
- Add a Work Order directly to the map using the Add Button
- From the Work Records Data Table
- Add existing or newly added Work Records for one or multiple Trees to a new Work Order.
- From the Work Records Table in the Tree Details form
- Add existing or newly added Work Records from one single Tree to a new Work Order.
- From the Tree Inspections form
- Create a new Work Record for a single Tree and add the Work Record to a new Work Order from the Inspection Form.
- From a Service Request form
- Add a new or existing Service Request to a new Work Order.
- From the Service Request Data Table
- Add one or multiple existing Service Requests to a new Work Order from within the Service Request Data Table.
Known Limitations:
- Depending on the User role, the user may not be able to add Work Orders due to the permissions in place. We always suggest checking the access permissions the user has when creating a new user.