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How To: Exporting Data

This article will explain how to export data from your TreePlotter™ application, a useful skill to gain access to your data in the format you need. The data can be exported from a specific layer in two formats, Shapefile or CSV.



1. Login to your TreePlotter application with your user profile.

2. “Click” the ‘HUB’ button the the upper left corner.

3. “Click” on ‘DATA TOOLS’, then ‘EXPORTER’

Access the EXPORTER through the HUB

4. “Select” the ‘Export Type*’. CSV will be the default in the dropdown, but you may also select Shapefile, depending on your application of the data.

“Select” the export type

5. “Select” the layer that you are looking to export data from in the ‘Select Layer*’ dropdown. Note, the options for layer selection are not a default list, and will depend on what layers were used in your application.

“Select” the layer

6. “Enter” a unique file name of your choice next to ‘File Name (No Extension)’.

“Enter” a unique file name

7. “Click” the ‘EXPORT’ button. Your exported data will now go to the downloads section on your computer. Open the file to retrieve your data. If exporting as a Shapefile, the file will be zipped (compressed) and will have to be unzipped to be opened.

“Click” ‘EXPORT’

Known Limitations:

  • Layers cannot be all exported at once. To export all data from all layers, layers have to be exported separately following this process each time.

Potential Next Steps:

Updated on August 16, 2024

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