Learn how to create a detailed report of your TreePlotter INVENTORY™ data in text form directly from the tree and also from the Hub.
Topics covered in this tutorial:
- Navigating to the Tree Reports
- Tree Report Properties
- Single Tree Detailed Report
- Multi-Tree Reporting
- Printing Reports

Navigating to the Tree Reports:
- Single Tree Reports
- Select the “Report” button found within the Tree point popup window
- Multi-Tree Reports
- Navigate to the HUB
- Reports
- Tree Reports

Single Tree Detailed Report:
- Get a detailed report of all the information regarding a single tree.
- The report has a cover page and then the tree detail for each tree. Click on the ‘Hide’ button to hide each section not required. Click on the ‘Show’ button to enable it once more.
- If available, photos and a map view will be displayed. Simply click the ‘Hide’ button next to the map or photos to hide these features.

Multi-Tree Reporting:
- Select how many trees should be printed per page ranging from 1-6 trees per page
- The amount of information available to display per tree decreases as more trees are printed on the page.
- Give the report a title. Check the Use Applied Filter box to restrict the results to the filter currently in use. Click on the ‘Run Report’ button.

Printing Reports:
- Once you have generated your report and hidden any required sections, click on the ‘Print’ button in the top right
- You can print to a physical printer or to a PDF
- You can control whether the automatically generated headers and footers (that contain the name of the report and page numbering etc) are included using the tick box on the Print dialogue box.

Known Limitations:
- You can’t change or add new fields to the reports
- The fields shown in the reports are as standard and are not configurable. Unless you run the individual detailed report from the tree popup, where it will report on every field, including ones you’ve added yourself using the Data Field Editor tool
- Please contact Support (support@planitgeo.com) to discuss having different fields displayed in the Hub reports.
- You can’t create new reports, but they can be discussed with Support (support@planitgeo.com)
- There are limits to the number of trees you can include in a report at any one time
- 50 tree limit
- These reports contain Google Maps and Google Street View
- If you need to report on more than 50 trees in a 50 tree limit report, please use the Advanced Filter to select the first 50 trees, run the report, and then run it again for the next 50 trees
- To increase the limit to 1,000 trees, please contact Support (support@planitgeo.com) to discuss removing the Google maps from your reports.
- 1,000 tree limit
- These reports don’t contain Google maps
- Please use the Advanced Filter if you need to report on more than 1,000 trees
- 50 tree limit