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The Schedule Work feature allows users with the Work Order Management module to quickly duplicate and schedule work that needs to be completed. Work can be scheduled either within a exisitng work order or at the individual asset level.
Schedule a Work Order
To schedule work within a work order, a work order must first be created and work records added. For instructions on how to create a work order and corresponding work records check out our additional Work Order Management support materials here.
Once a work order is created, the work order and all associated work records can be copied and scheduled using the Schedule button in the top menu.
Click this button to get a popup window of your scheduling options. Choose the number of times you want the work order and work records to be duplicated and the time frame for the work to be completed. The Due Date for every work record will be updated based on the Starting On Date and Due Date selections. Use these settings to get as specific as necessary with your work schedule.
This example schedule will create twelve new work orders with their associated work records with due dates on the first of each month.
Schedule Work Records
To schedule work records within a work order or an asset details form, go to the work records data table. The schedule button can be found within the “More” menu.
The schedule options will allow for the duplication of work records with specific due dates into the future. Use the checkboxes to only schedule specific work records or leave all the boxes unchecked to schedule all work records.
This example schedule will create ten new sets of three work records with due dates every week.
Once the work is scheduled, the Notifications feature will help keep track of when upcoming work is due.