TreePlotter Changelog

New features, updates, and bug fixes across the TreePlotter Software Suite


August 26, 2024

There was an issue with TreePlotter Inventory where Photos that were uploaded while Offline could not be downloaded through the Photo Viewer


Photos that are attached and uploaded while offline can now be downloaded through the Photo Viewer

August 21, 2024

There were several small issues with CEM that have been addressed


When zooming to the maximum extent, all filter settings are now being properly applied


The granular land-use geography data is now being properly displayed

August 3, 2024

Land Cover / Tree Equity data pack improvement


The specific CEJST Categories of Burden are now displayed when a disadvantaged area is selected

July 16, 2024

There were several small issues with the Tree Plotter INVENTORY Photo Viewer that have been addressed


Attachments associated to Organizations no longer restricts access to the Organization


The PHOTOS button is now properly hidden when non-photo items are attached to an asset


The PHOTOS button is now displaying properly in non-tree layer asset details forms


Two trees per page report formatting issue

June 27, 2024

There were several small defects addressed with Tree Plotter INVENTORY that include 1) Photos were not displaying properly in Parks layers 2) The formatting for 2 photos per page report was not displaying properly and 3) SSO & emails with apostrophes was not working properly


Photos in Park Layers are now displaying properly


The formatting for the 2 photos per page has been addressed and it is now displaying properly


SSO and emails with apostrophes are now working properly

May 17, 2024

There were several small defects addressed with Tree Plotter INVENTORY that include 1) Users were unable to upload shapefiles or .csv files 2) the new Photo Viewer was referencing non-photo attachments


Users can now upload shapefiles or .csv files


New Photo Viewer is no longer referencing non-photo attachments

April 23, 2024

There were several small defects addressed with Tree Plotter INVENTORY that include 1) Users could not download all photos from the Photo Viewer 2) Apps with 2 Photo fields were not displaying second set of photos 3) WOM Installer was not properly working


Users can now download all photos from the Photo Viewer


Apps with a second Photo field can now view the second set of photos


The Work Order Management Installer is now working properly

April 12, 2024

There were several small defects addressed with the Tree Plotter INVENTORY new Photo Viewer


All apps are now able to view their Photos


Viewing Photos of Work Record photos from Work Orders now works


Viewing photos from an Inspection now works

April 10, 2024

There was an issue related to the QTRA Calculator in the QTRA module that has been addressed


The QTRA Calculator is now reporting values correctly

March 23, 2024

TreePlotter INVENTORY updates were made to address the following issues: 1) the Reference Layer importer wasn't working correctly 2) Work Record photos were not working properly 3) the Street and Map View was not working in Reports 4) our Support Site wasn't allowing customers to report issues and 5) Tree Layers with Client Sites that did not have trees was not displaying


The Reference Layer importer is now working properly


Work Records photos are now working properly


The Street and Map view is now displaying properly in Reports


Our Support Site is now working properly again and customer can submit ideas or issues


Tree Layers with Client Sites without any trees is now working properly

February 24, 2024

TreePlotter INVENTORY Photo enhancements that include a new and modern photo gallery, improved photo viewing tools and a new dedicated tree photos report


New Photo Gallery with a more robust UI/UX


Ability to view all photos from the various sources (tree, inspection & work) in a single location


New Tree Report that includes all of the tree, inspection and work photos associated to a user-selected tree

January 23, 2024

TreePlotter INVENTORY updates were made to address the following issues: 1) The ability to attach photos to a tree was not working on some newer devices; 2) Time-fields in Service Requests were not being saved properly in some scenarios which were effecting Service Request call logs; 3) Data fields that had a DEFAULT value configured that were changed to an empty or null value were displaying "NaN" (not a number) instead of the new empty value


Users with newer devices (e.g. Dell Latitude 7320) are now able to attach photos to a tree


Photo storage has been improved


Data fields with an initial default value configured that are changed to an empty value are now displaying the correct (empty) data field.


Time fields are now displaying the correct time on Service Request logs

January 13, 2024

QTRA updates were made to address the following bugs: 1) the QTRA Risk Category result was displaying the incorrect results when using CALCULATE QTRA tool in some scenarios and 2) When reopening the respective QTRA form, the QTRA Risk Numeral was being incorrectly color-coded in some scenarios


QTRA Risk Numerals are now being color-coded properly using the CALCULATE QTRA tool and when the QTRA form is re-opened


QTRA Risk Category is now displaying the correct category when using the CALCULATE QTRA tool

January 5, 2024

CEM updates were made to address the following bugs: 1) the initial map set-up was resolving to an incorrect map extent; 2) the map was displaying archived trees


CEM Map is no longer displaying Trees that have been Archived


Newly created CEM apps now display the correct map extent

December 15, 2023

Updates to CAVAT Unit Value Factors, and issues relating to filtering, and application load time improved.


Application load time


Bug with Filtering on Multi Select fields


CAVAT Unit Value Factors

December 1, 2023

Issues relating to Reference Layer Importer, BS5837, Tree Management Insights, Inspection Reports, and Filtering are now resolved. The Community Engagement Map UI was improved on mobile devices.


Bug with Community Engagement Map UI on Mobile devices


Bug with Null options in the filter


Bug with Inspection report filtering


Bug with Tree Management Insights


Bug with Reference Layer Importer and BS5837 Module

November 17, 2023

Issue relating to CAD exports resolved.


Bug with Exporting CAD drawings

October 20, 2023

Issues with legend symbology, offline photos and reporting are now resolved.


Bug with hiding report sections and printing those reports


Bug with Offline photos


Bug with TPZ/CRZ/SRZ Symbology

October 6, 2023

Issues regarding photos, currency, and Community Engagement Maps are now resolved.


Bug with timeframes for Work within PARKS Community Engagement Maps


Bug with currency conversions


Removing the option to Mass Update photo or attachments across all applications due to errors found when the tool was used that way


Improvement with downloading mass amounts of photos at one time

September 22, 2023

Issues relating to the Uploader tool, and filtering are now resolved. Tree Management Insight improvements released.


Bug with radio button and drop down fields cross walking correctly in the Uploader tool


Bug with numbers cross walking correctly in the Uploader tool


Tree Management Insights improved to not show a bar in the graph for Not Specified trees


Bug with Work Records and the Data Table


Bug with User filter


Bug with dates cross walking correctly in the Uploader tool

September 8, 2023

Issues relating to preparation for Tree Management Insights Dashboard, official release of the Tree Management Insights tool, and Work Order Share Links now resolved.


Official release of Tree Management Insights found in the Hub>Stats in TreePlotter INVENTORY


Bug with log in and Tree Management Insights


Security improvement on Work Order URL's and links used to share Work Orders

August 11, 2023

Issues relating to Single Sign On, Offline tab issues, Photos, the Uploader tool, and Geolocation are now resolved.


Bug with the Uploader and cross walking over Species names from the source data that do not match the ones in TreePlotter.


Bug with the Uploader and cross walking more than one value in the source data over to a single option in TreePlotter.


Bug with the Uploader while clicking on the arrow in the crosswalk and receiving an error message.


Bug with the Uploader while cross walking over values over to DO NOT MAP.


Bug with the Last Modified Date updating when a photo was changed or added.


Bug with Offline tab ordering not being synced in the same order as TreePlotter online.


Bug with the blue location dot being hidden by Nearmap or other customer base maps.


Bug with Single Sign On and IT updated users not appearing in TreePlotter.

July 28, 2023

The team focused on fixing issues relating to Photos that were collected using Offline. The team was also working through various bugs for future releases.


Bug with Offline photos not syncing back to TreePlotter online

July 14, 2023

"Family" is now added as a default column in all TreePlotter species lists. This will allow clients to track important stats moving forward. We also fixed a few bugs.


Family column to all species lists in the initial effort to release a new Management Plan Dashboard


Bug with the All Charts Report where the ecosystem benefit numbers were not calculating correctly when converted to currencies other than USD


A bug which resulted in the reordering of tabs within the tree details form. It did not impact all customers, but you might have noticed that some of your tabs moved around.

June 30, 2023

As we wrap up the second quarter of the year we are lining up some exciting releases in the next few weeks, in addition to continued work on the mobile product.


Bug where users could not view an inspection photo after it was submitted

June 16, 2023

We are pushing towards a major update to photos in TreePlotter INVENTORY coming next week. When a user exports photos or attachments from their TreePlotter application, the files will no longer be directly downloaded to their computer. Instead, an email will be sent to the associated email address of the user with a link to download the files.


Bug where users could not generate a location for a service request on a mobile device using the Globe button


A new small translation issues for translated applications

June 2, 2023

Our team is deep into the backend design and development of the new mobile product. We are focusing on this work while fixing bugs and making small improvements.


New language translations to TreePlotter INVENTORY for clients with translated applications


Updated Google Analytics to their latest version across our Software Suite


Bug in TreePlotter INVENTORY where exporting a shapefile with ecosystem benefits included would not work

May 19, 2023

We upgraded our FME Server, which handles all of the imports and exports of data for the BS5837 Survey Module and the Reference Layer Importer tool. This change will allow more complex files to be uploaded and will make the functionality more reliable. In addition we had some bug fixes and cleanup.


New TreePlotter CANOPY demo application. View Here


FME Cloud Sever to improve reliability of imports and exports through BS5837 Survey Module and Reference Layer Importer


Bug in CANOPY CEM where map layers would not load without a "hard" refresh in the browser


Bug in TreePlotter CANOPY where the Ecosystem Benefit labels in the Grow tool were displaying the wrong alias


Custom User Tracking Report

May 5, 2023

Bug Fixes and Improvements


Inspections and TRAQ now work more seamlessly together with faster updates and everything tracked in the Inspection History table


Fixed a bug in the Community Engagement Map where the acres field was showing as null


Fixed a bug in the Community Engagement Map where clicking on a tree point wouldn't show it's details


Fixed a bug in TreePlotter CANOPY where the labels were not appearing when turned on


Fixed bug where the arrange labels functionality was not allowing a user to move a label

April 21, 2023

Bug fixes across the software suite


Bug where the TreePlotter WFS was only loading 1000 features in ArcPro at a time


Bug in TreePlotter JOBS when attempting to enter an address for a New Client or a new Service Request and the address gets truncated and the form cannot be submitted


Expiration of SSL Certificate in TreePlotter JOBS to ensure a secure connection to the application

April 7, 2023

We are excited to announce that TreePlotter CANOPY can now be translated into any language and to bring this product to customers all over the globe! In addition, we have released some API improvements and other bug fixes.


Ability to translate TreePlotter CANOPY into any language


Bug in TreePlotter CANOPY where Plan tool selections were not carrying through to Grow tool


Bug where the Export Survey to CAD button was not working in Survey BS5837 applications


TreePlotter API Version 0.5.0-See updates below or check out:SwaggerHub Documentation


We added an API endpoint to retrieve items from the inventory item history tables


The work records endpoint is now paginated. By default it will return pages of 7000 items.


The API paginated response has a new data field: “links” which will allow consumers to traverse through pages of returned records


There is a new optional request parameter for work records: “includeArchived”.

March 24, 2023

We are finishing up the front end of our new mobile inventory tool. This focus has been on how the tool looks and functions. We will then switch to building out the back end and will focus more on the data structure and architecture. We are extremely excited about all the progress!

March 10, 2023

Quickly and easily get the support you need from our new support button in the header of all INVENTORY and CANOPY applications! We responded to many clients' feedback to provide an easier access point to obtain support and added this new button at the top of all applications.


Bug where the new support site button wasn't working for translated applications


New support site button within TreePlotter INVENTORY and CANOPY

February 24, 2023

We had a big push to fix high-priority bugs within the JOBS product. In addition, we released some improvements and fixes on the INVENTORY product.


Login Timeout Rules See bottom of linked article


Bug in INVENTORY with filters loading slowly when using an "OR" global filter between layers


Bug where INVENTORY polygon layers could not be shared


The Billing Address fields in the QBO Invoice now populate using the Bill To address for the respective JOBS Client


Bug where a newly onboarded JOBS user could not log in


Bug in JOBS where the service request had to be approved multiple times


Bug in JOBS where the estimate list is not displaying Total Price for any estimate line items


Bug in JOBS where after editing Crew Notes in a non-approved Estimate, edits are not saved to the Estimate


Bug where the estimate in JOBS was not displaying the Job Site Name correctly


Bug where modified estimate data was not being saved

February 10, 2023

We have had our tree inventory team assess our mobile inventory product and are working on improving the product based on their experience and fixing the issues they found.


Bug in INVENTORY where checkbox and radio button fields were not showing in the public service request form

January 27, 2023

Lots of progress on the interface and design of the new mobile tool in the last few weeks. Next, we are diving into building the back end of the product. We are also working on an initiative to improve our web content accessibility compliance across the product suite.


Internal tools for our professional services team to generate and update Community Engagement Maps


Custom photo functionality in the tree details form

January 13, 2023

Happy New Year! We have been busy working on our mobile product in addition to improving and fixing issues across the product suite


Bug where displaying by a date field in the legend would not show up correctly


Bug where users could not connect to ArgGIS Pro, and ArcGIS Desktop using the WFS


Bug where users couldn't add a service request location from the add form


Ability to filter on newly added trees by ID or Date without having to refresh the application

December 16, 2022

Major release for TreePlotter JOBS which now integrates with QuickBooks Online.
Additional updates across the other products.


Bug where the TreePlotter CANOPY legend would only show one color when it should show two


Bug with Ecosystem Benefits "Total Monetary Benefit" where some trees had tree carbon values counted twice


Bug with not a user not being able to select another layer in the CANOPY Community Engagement Map

December 2, 2022

Bug fixes and improvements


Ecosystem Benefits Batch Update Process - Data updates of over 1,000 trees will be performed monthly


Bug where a inspection report wouldn't generate if latitude and longitude fields were added to it


Bug with panning and zooming around the map when using Google imagery

November 18, 2022

We are building out the login system for our new mobile product and fixing lots of bugs


Console error when opening the data table


Bug with PREVIEW RESULTS button in the Uploader not showing data


Bug with CANOPY group dropdowns not updating the map


Bug with work order emails not being sent or received

November 4, 2022

We have been busy starting development work on a new mobile-focused product in addition to some smaller improvements and bug fixes


Translation configurations for Dutch, Italian and German in INVENTORY applications


Bug with inspections tool where radio button fields were not updating the details form when set to having no value


Bug with ecosystem benefits filtering where Australian applications could edit "Has Ecobens" field


Bug when exporting ecosystem benefits data where CSV and Shapefile exports were missing data


Bug with the QTRA Module where users were not prompted to log back in after 30 days and couldn't calculate risk values