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  3. Get Ahead of the Infestation with the Enhanced Tree Monitoring Feature in TreePlotter™ Applications – Webinar

Get Ahead of the Infestation with the Enhanced Tree Monitoring Feature in TreePlotter™ Applications – Webinar

Our nation’s trees are in trouble – by 2050, research suggests that over 1000 new exotic insects may arrive in the US. If even one of those insects is as destructive as EAB has been, we stand to lose even more of our forests. By setting up a simple, yet effective tree health monitoring protocol now, you can get ahead of the next worst pest before it causes irreparable damage to our much-needed urban trees.

PlanIT Geo™ has partnered with the USDA Forest Service and The Nature Conservancy to offer you the capability to monitor tree stress directly within TreePlotter™. In this webinar, Forest Service Scientists Drs. Michelle Johnson and Rich Hallett, and The Nature Conservancy’s Rachel Holmes will introduce a non-stressor specific tree health monitoring protocol, associated with their Healthy Trees, Healthy Cities collaborative tree monitoring initiative. This innovative protocol, developed by Dr. Hallett and used in 18 cities over the past five years, offers managers the opportunity to track the signs of stress in individual trees using visual observations of the tree crown. Siobhan Watson of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) will join us to share how she will use the tree health assessment information to ensure equitable access to canopy across NYCHA properties.

Attendees will learn the science behind the monitoring methodology and gain insights into how they can use the data to more proactively manage their urban canopy.
Updated on December 15, 2020

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