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  3. TreePlotter™ INVENTORY API/WFS


The TreePlotter™ INVENTORY API allows developers to interact programatically with map features and other data in an INVENTORY app. We offer many options from simple to complex, from no development work (paste a WFS URL) to more development and consultation work.

Typical use cases for the API include developers using it to:

  • Load data into ArcMap, QGIS, or another desktop application for analysis
  • Display map features from INVENTORY in your own web app, mobile app, or desktop app
  • Create an integration with your existing system, such as a city asset management system, or a complex ESRI environment

Using the API

The INVENTORY API is located at https://pg-cloud.com/api

For example, for the INVENTORY app at


the api URL is


Security and Data Access

An API key is required to access the API for your INVENTORY app.  The key must be appended to the end of the query string on every call:

  • https://pg-cloud.website/api/abctreecare/wom/jobs?apiKey=testkey

The API does require you use https, and URLs are case-sensitive.

Example API Calls – based on an app named ‘suburbantreecare’

TreePlotter API calls must be made using all lower-case letters, as in the examples below.

  • Get map features on the ‘trees’ layer
    • https://pg-cloud.website/api/abctreecare/inventories/trees?apiKey=testkey
  • Get map features on the ‘park_amenities’ layer
    • https://pg-cloud.website/api/abctreecare/inventories/park_amenities?apiKey=testkey
  • Get Work Order service requests
    • https://pg-cloud.website/api/abctreecare/wom/servicerequests?apiKey=testkey
Detailed Developer Documentation

See the official developer docs on SwaggerHub here.

Using the Web Feature Service

INVENTORY also serves data using a WFS (web feature service).  This allows you to connect to your tree and other feature data using ArcGIS, QGIS, city management systems, and other map-based tools that allow loading a WFS layer.

Want a video tutorial on using the WFS Integration? Click below:

The INVENTORY WFS is located at https://pg-cloud.com/api/wfs

For example, for the INVENTORY app at


the WFS URL is


Instructions for the WFS and ArcGIS

IMPORTANT – for ArgGIS Pro, and ArcGIS Desktop with the Interoperability Extension, you must connect to the WFS by adding the Custom Parameter, doArcGISPaginationWorkaround=true.

When adding the WFS Server in ArcPro, the format of the connection should look like the image below:

The folder name should be in all lower case, and can be found by applying the URL of your TreePlotter application to pg-cloud.com/foldername. Do not include the apiKey within the URL. Instead, the apiKey should be added as a custom parameter. A Log In within the Authentication is not needed when adding the WFS Server in ArcPro.

Due to well-known limitations with ArcGIS WFS functionality, Arc products will not load all features for a layer with over about 3000 items.  Our service delivers your large inventories as a series of links, which then can be loaded individually, one-at-a-time, and merged with the Merge tool.

Help and Support

Contact support@planitgeo.com with issues, questions, or requests.

Updated on January 9, 2023

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